What Does LBVS Stand for?
LBVS means Laughing, But Very Serious. It’s used to indicate that someone is joking or laughing about something, but they also mean what they’re saying is serious.
For example: LBVS, I’m joking but also kinda serious.
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Table Comparison
Slang word | LBVS |
Abbreviation | Laughing, But Very Serious |
Predictability | Easy to understand |
Safe for friendly/Corporate conversation | Yes |
Platform Compatibility | Used on all social apps |
Snapchat Meaning | Laughing, But Very Serious |
Instagram Meaning | Laughing, But Very Serious |
How is LBVS used in conversation?
It depends on the message that you want to convey to the other person through different social apps. The following examples can help you understand how to use this slang term in your texts on internet.
Paige: I can’t believe you ate that entire pizza by yourself!
Ricky: LBVS, it was too good to share.
Arjun: I think I’m going to quit my job and become a professional gamer.
Sara: LBVS, do you even play video games?
Lisa: I’m going to dye my hair purple.
Mark: LBVS, that would actually look really cool on you.
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Frequency of Use
As a social media expert, I have observed that the frequency of using “LBVS” is moderate in informal conversations, particularly on social media platforms.
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