What Does IDGAF Stand for?
“IDGAF” stands for “I don’t give a fuck.” It’s a vulgar and strong expression used to convey a complete lack of care or concern about something.
For example: I asked him for help, but he said IDGAF.
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Table Comparison
Slang word | IDGAF |
Abbreviation | I don’t give a fuck |
Predictability | Easy to understand |
Safe for friendly/Corporate conversation | No |
Platform Compatibility | Used on all social apps |
Snapchat Meaning | I don’t give a fuck |
Instagram Meaning | I don’t give a fuck |
How is IDGAF used in conversation?
It depends on the situation and context of the message as to what you want to communicate to the other person via text. The examples below will help you better understand how to use “IDGAF” in text conversations.
Ricky: Did you hear what they said about you?
Arjun: IDGAF, people will talk regardless.
Sara: I think you should apologize to him.
Henry: IDGAF what he thinks anymore.
Rose: You’re always late to our meetings.
Isaac: IDGAF about your opinion on my punctuality.
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Frequency of Use
As a social media expert and avid user, I’ve noticed that the usage of this slang term is very high in general conversation. Many people use it in regular daily conversations, such as among friends, but it’s not suitable for professional settings. I would recommend avoiding the use of this term in formal settings.
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