What Does TFTI Stand for?
TFTI means “Thanks for the invite”. It’s used to express gratitude for being invited to an event or activity.
For example: Can’t make it tonight, but TFTI!
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Table Comparison
Slang word | TFTI |
Abbreviation | Thanks for the invite |
Predictability | Easy to understand |
Safe for friendly/Corporate conversation | Yes |
Platform Compatibility | Used on all social apps |
Snapchat Meaning | Thanks for the invite |
Instagram Meaning | Thanks for the invite |
How is TFTI used in conversation?
It depends on the situation and context of what you want to convey to the other person via text message. The following examples will help you understand how to use it.
Ricky: We’re having a barbecue this weekend. You should come!
Arjun: Sounds great! TFTI.
Sara: We’re going out for drinks tonight. Want to join?
Henry: I’m in! TFTI.
Rose: Movie night at my place tomorrow. You’re invited!
Isaac: Awesome, TFTI.
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Frequency of Use
As a social media expert, I’ve observed that the usage of this slang term is quite low. Many individuals use this slang term in their private text messages to quickly convey their message.
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