October 11, 2024

What does PS Mean in Texting – (Real Example)

Published on: February 13, 2024
Updated on: March 1, 2024
a girl thinking "ps" meaning in texting

What Does PS Stand for?

“PS”  stands for “postscript,” which is an additional remark added at the end of a letter, email, or text after the signature. It’s often used to include an afterthought or additional information that wasn’t included in the main body of the message.

For example:  PS: Don’t forget to submit your report by the end of the day.

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Table Comparison

Slang word  PS
Abbreviation Postscript
Predictability Easy to understand
Safe for friendly/Corporate conversation Yes
Platform Compatibility Used on some social apps
Snapchat Meaning Postscript
Instagram Meaning Postscript

How is PS used in conversation?

It can allude to and communicate meanings in a variety of contexts on internet. But before you use it, make sure you know what it means.


Person A: I’ll be there at 5 pm. PS, don’t forget to bring the tickets.

Person B: Got it!

Friend 1: I had a great time hanging out with you today. PS, let’s do it again soon!

Friend 2: Definitely!

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Frequency of Use

The frequency of usage of this slang term, based on my observations as a social media expert, is very high in formal conversations across all social apps business emails, etc. It’s a straightforward and widely understood term. It is also commonly used at the end of blog posts.

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Khola Qasim
Khola Qasim
I'm Khola Qasim, an experienced SEO content expert with extensive knowledge of social media apps. Over my journey, I've refined my content optimization skills by investigating what's popular on social media and making sure that my writing captures audience interest across various topics. Through collaborations with diverse clients and industries, I've crafted strategies to enhance your experience on my website through my writings and blogs. You can read my content at Boring Magazine